Fibromyalgia is something that impacts many people and is often called an invisible illness because many symptoms cannot be seen. People with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia tend to not be taken as seriously with their symptoms, and can often struggle to find help. Many people turn to naturopathic doctors to get support and a diagnosis. There are many traditional treatments to help manage symptoms like pain, nerve pain, and anti-inflammatory medications. Herbal medicine sees a few other solutions that are more natural and can bring about great relief.  There are many herbal supplements that can be used to support the various symptoms of the disorder. Diet and exercise plans can play a major role, but these needs will vary per person. It is important to talk to your doctor or a nutritionist before changing your diet drastically. Acupuncture and mind-body therapy can be of great use as well as Reiki and energy healing. You can sign up for your first free session/consultation for Reiki healing on our home page. With one of our practitioners suffering from fibromyalgia herself, we have tried a variety of treatments and will be compassionate and willing to listen to and support you. We have found that Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) is very helpful for the relief of pain. This can also be scheduled for a first free session on our home page. Therapy can also play a major role in healing and managing fibromyalgia, which can also be booked through us.


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Management of Period Pain & PMS